We're back from our first camping trip of the summer! We went to Knoll Lake, as usual.
Rob's sister Brigette and her family came with us - except for Rett; he had to work. Erin and Robbie really liked having their cousins there to play with! The weather was great, and it was a nice, smooth week.
Walking to the lake
There are two ways to walk to the lake - one is on a nice little trail, and the way we usually go is straight down a ravine at a 45-degree angle. The kids all did great on the hikes and nobody complained.
Cousins on a log - Ayla, Erin, Briana, and Robbie
The kids did all kinds of stuff to entertain themselves. They explored the dry creek and played on the "tree bridge" (just a log that fell over the creek bed), played tag, colored, read, made sharp sticks... all the important things you do when you're camping.
Brigette and Steven at the lake
Robbie at the lake - always holding a stick!
We got a good campsite that had three tables. It was quieter this time than the last couple of years, and we were camped next to a group of boy scouts who were very well-behaved.
Our campsite - the grills, fire ring & screen rooms
Looking the other direction at the screen rooms, plus the kids' tents.
I didn't get a shot of Brigette & Steven's tent.
Our tent - You can fit two queen-size matresses in there and still have room to walk around!
Ayla and Robbie in the lake - MIND-NUMBINGLY COLD WATER!
This is where we jump off the rocks. It's a long swim across the lake to the rocks, so this time we brought two kickboards so it would be easier for the kids to get across. Rob would go with them and hang out at the bottom. He would toss kickboards to the kids after they jumped in so they didn't have to swim as much.
Robbie wanted nothing to do with it, but the other kids jumped several times. So did Rob and Brigette. Steven stayed on shore and took pictures, and I was too cold by the time I swam over there; maybe it will be better in July.
Erin on the rock, Ayla in the water
Coloring in the screen room - Erin, Ayla, Robbie, Briana
On the way home - looking off the Mogollon Rim
Rob's truck hit a milestone on the way home - 100,000 miles! (No, he didn't take the photo at 70 mph, that was me... leaning over him while he drove - maybe that's safer?)
Rob and some of the kids saw some deer on one of our hikes to the lake, and Robbie and I saw a big fluffy-tailed squirrel. We watched big birds swooping down and snatching fish right out of the lake - that was something new.
It was nice to have Brigette & Steven and the kids with us, and we couldn't have asked for nicer weather! Our family will go again in a few weeks.