Spring has sprung!
The kids and I were pulling weeds in the back yard (well, I was pulling weeds and they were running around) and I discovered that we have a lot of earthworms in one part of our yard. Erin thought they were a little creepy at first, but then she warmed right up to them. She liked when they wrapped around her fingers.
Robbie was interested, of course, but I was scared he would either eat the worm or squish it in his hand! So I told him "soft" and I showed him how to hold his palm open. I put the worm on his hand and he just stood there watching it and giggling. And saying stuff to the worm that has yet to be translated. Now he likes to hold his palm up at people and rattle off a bunch of talk - apparently about worms.
The next evening, I was back at the weeds, and Erin was collecting all the worms in a plastic cup. When I realized how many there were, and that they were winding themselves into this creepy, wiggly worm-knot, I put an end to the collection! One worm is kinda cute, but a worm-knot is another story. We separated them and put them all back into the ground. Where they will stay! That was enough science for me, for a little while, anyway.
Hi Kandice! Good to catch up with your life. I had no idea that you had another baby. Congrats! By the looks of your walls you still live in the same house. :-) If you still remember who I am (Tanner's mom :-) you can catch up with me on my blog. I am a link off of Brandi's too.) Drop me a line sometime.
When we first moved into our new house we had those little black carpet beetles and the boys collected a ton of them. I was the same way--keeping 1 or 2 was okay but when the cup kept getting knocked over with 30 beetles escaping back into the carpet, it had to end...way to much, yuck!
That is too funny! We found some worms that were living on the seal of our garage door after a rain. So, I helped to boys move them to the flower bed. For the next few days Aiden couldn't understand where they went. I had to explain that they live in the dirt. I still don't know if he quit got it or not.
Love your blog! And I'm glad you found mine. It's fun to see the fun things your cute family does!
Hi Kandice! It sure is nice to find "old" friends. Your kids are so cute.
Hey Kandice this is a big surprise to hear from you!! You have very Cute kids!!
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