We got to go to the Suns/Bobcats game last night! For no apparent reason, our credit union mailed us two tickets a couple of weeks ago. We found two more tickets really cheap so the kids could go with us.
The credit union gave us lower-level seats right by the Suns tunnel, and the pair we bought were upper-deck. Erin hasn't been to a Suns game since she was a baby, so she didn't remember ever going, and this was Robbie's first time. They LOVED it!
The dancers were hanging out in the lobby taking pictures with people. Erin was happy to get a picture with them, but Robbie was too shy. (he'll kick himself when he's about 15!)
These were great seats! The Suns bench was just off the left side of this picture. Rob and Erin sat in the lower level and Robbie and I took the other seats.
The good thing about the upper deck is that you have a little wiggle room up there when the game isn't sold out. Robbie was SO excited! He's usually sort of embarrassed to cheer or clap along at stuff like this, but he was really into it. He liked yelling "DEFENSE!" and he always got excited when he saw Steve Nash. This was one happy boy!
Rob and I were going to trade kids at the 4th quarter, but the usher just let us go in and sit in the empty seats by Rob and Erin! So we got to enjoy the loss from the good seats. When the game ended, Rob brought the kids down by the floor for some high-fives. Erin was ecstatic that she got a high-five from one of the players! Robbie couldn't quite reach, but it didn't bother him. It was one of the bench players that high-fived Erin, but in the blur of people, we couldn't actually tell who it was. Erin squealed when she told me about it, and she was impressed that "His hands were huge!" It was pretty cool. Here are some of the players heading through the tunnel.We had a great time! It was fun to see the kids getting into it. I think the Suns were only ahead once during the game, but it was nice just to be there.
3 years ago
Wow, that's really awesome! Looks like a fun time, despite the loss. Anyway, what a cool experience for your family!
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