Monday, April 27, 2009

Diamondbacks Lose!

Our neighbor gave us tickets to Friday's Diamondbacks game! We hadn't been yet this year, so we were glad for the chance to go.

Watching the roof open

The seats were upstairs, where it wasn't too crowded, so we had plenty of room to spread out. Rob and I both signed up as designated drivers, so we each got a free soda.

We lost pretty badly to the Giants, but we stayed for the whole game because they do fireworks on Friday nights. Robbie felt the need to cover his ears during the whole fireworks show, and Erin was really excited about the finale. The next day, she wrote a thank-you note and brought it over to the neighbors.

It was a lot of fun!

And here are a couple of Diamondbacks-related deals for my Phoenix friends. When we score at least 6 runs in a game (even if we lose) Taco Bell will give you 3 free tacos the following day if you buy a large drink. You don't have a to show a ticket stub or anything; just tell them at the register. We've done this plenty of times already!

The one I learned about on Friday is a free drink from Circle K. When we get 7 strikeouts in a game (I think 7 is the magic number, anyway) you can go to Circle K's web site and print out a coupon for a free drink. But it expires 24 hours after the game, so you have to do it right away. I didn't try it soon enough last time, so too bad for me. But here's the link if anyone wants to try it next time!

Speaking of free stuff, there are a few good deals this week! Check out my "free/cheap" list over there ----->


Emerson said...

I think I'm going to try this next time they play (if it happens) and tell the clerk at Circle K...hey, I didn't see a state listed ANYWHERE!

Probably won't work, but isn't it worth the shot?

It looks like a grand time too, bet the kids just loved it :]

Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said...

I'm proud of you for signing up as designated drivers :) Thanks for the tips on the free stuff too!

Amy O'Neill said...

I love when you tell us about free stuff! :) Looks like you guys had fun at the game... that was nice of your neighbors! I want neighbors like that!