It's a dark day for Sun Devil fans. We lost to an unranked team - in overtime - last night. That's all I have to say about that.
So let's move on to happier things! Some more thoughts about ASU games, in no particular order...
Erin visited with her favorite cheerleader again before last night's game. Imagine Erin's delight when she said, "Hi, Erin!" I was happy this girl remembered Erin's name from last week. That was a huge deal to Erin! We saw her several times last night & it's kind of fun to run into her now.
After halftime, part of the band splits off and they go play in the aisles of different sections of the stadium. We hollered enough for them to come to our section last night, and they all give high fives on their way up the aisles. Here's Erin high-fiving the band:
They were going to leave after one song, but we made enough ruckus & demanded the fight song, so they obliged.
Fight, Devils, down the field!
Fight with your might and don't ever yield.
Long may our colors outshine all others;
Echo from the buttes, "Give 'em hell, Devils!"
Cheer, cheer for ASU!
Cheer for the old maroon!
For it's hail, hail, the gang's all here,
And it's onward to victory!
For it's hail, hail, the gang's all here,
And it's onward to victory!
Yes, my kids are allowed to sing "hell" in that song.
The people who sit in front of us are really cool. They're just the right amount of rowdy & they're fun to sit with. Here's the view from our seats - not bad! That sea of gold shirts on the end is the student section.
That year, Sparky was my home teacher! Paul was always really busy on game days, and I found it odd that he went to every single ASU event and all the away games. Finally, he let me in on his super-hero identity & I thought it was pretty awesome that I was friends with Sparky! I think most of our singles ward knew. I know Misty and Sherry were friends with Paul, too. We ended up going on our missions around the same time, and we ran into each other a lot at the MTC. Here we are being very missionary-like and shaking hands for the camera. Unfortunatley, I lost touch with him not too long after that. But look at that smile - he really is part Sparky!

I remember Paul. I didn't know him very well but Daryl did.
I do remember the talk he gave right before he left on his mission. He talked about his father who was not a member but paid off a debt that he had so he could go on a mission. He related that to the Savior and how the Savior did for us what we couldn't do for ourselves. For some reason when he said that I hit me really hard. I think of that story every once in a while.
Fun blog. :) That's great that you take your whole family to the games. Jim used to get season tickets every year to the ASU football games, till we moved up here. I didn't go with him though, except when we were first married -- he's one of those FANATICAL fans that would scream at the players from the stands and then get really angry when they'd lose -- who is this guy?? Anyway, I stopped going to games with him. He's not as bad anymore, though last night I did hear him yell out something about bad coaching at the end of the game -- he was not a happy person.
Anyway, I guess I'm rambling here, but I did want to mention: oh yeah, I completely forgot that Paul was Sparky. Thanks for the memory...
Always leave it to kandice to brighten my day! I hope next week ASU does better for your sake! Erin better go to ASU or she will never live it down!
These are great memories Kandice! I had fun reading them. I am especially proud of Robbie too! :)
Oh, that is so funny!! I am guessing your kids will be going to ASU? ;) That is so good that you are raising some little Devils fans!
WOW we are talking some serious "fan" I want to teach my kids about something cool they can cheer for and something not cool they can blow raspberries at...Any ideas? I don't want to take YOURS even though I agree 100 percent!
David listened to the end of the game on the radio on our way home from the d-backs game. He couldn't believe they had lost to an unranked team.
I love Robbie's reaction to the U of A logo, way to go Robbie you are a true devil's fan! :)
Alright Kandace, if you want to see something about a real football team, go to my sister's blog!
I personally grew up in a household pulled between WSU and U of W fans. My brothers went to both and then I had one that just graduated from University of Santa Barbara and he played football for them for a few years. So the game is in our blood as well as the excitement. Keep up the good work of tradition.
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